Reel Talent Studio is a talent agency located in Tulsa, Oklahoma specializing in film, television, and commercial representation. We represent adults, teenagers and children in the areas of on-camera, commercials, TV and motion pictures.

With highly trained professional actors, we strive to work individually with our talent to ensure directors are getting quality work and our actors are being challenged to sharpen their skillsets. 

Teamwork between the talent, the agent and the client is our priority. We uphold a standard of communication that provides the cohesion necessary to get the job done and provide a victory for all involved.

About the Owner

Christina Jenkins is the owner of Reel Talent Studio. After helping found the company in 2019, Christina acquired all talent management and ownership in 2021. With a background in Theater and a passion to help people accomplish their dreams, Christina finds great joy connecting the talent she represents to producers and agencies across the United States. Christina lives in Tulsa with her husband Brad and their four amazing children.

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